Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to Make a Miniature Basket

      Since as far back as I can remember I have always loved miniatures.  The best part of miniature making is that you can use almost anything to make them. Simple items around your house that you would normally not think about. So, if you have a dollhouse or a miniature shelf that needs a few new additions, then you came to the right place. :D  I love thinking up new ideas of miniatures to make. And as I come up with ideas I'll be sure to share my ideas with you. So that you can make your own miniatures too.  :D Here is one of my favorite miniature ideas. A simple miniature basket! Making a miniature basket can be hard to do and very frustrating! Well, for me anyway. One day while strolling through my yard I thought of the perfect basket!! So, cute, almost free to make and most of all easy!  So, now I want to show you how to make a miniature dollhouse basket too. I hope you find this little mini treasure to be as cool as I did.

Acorn Top Basket:     

This one is so cute, and so super easy!
To get started, you'll need an acorn top. Most of you can find these around your yard. This was better for me to do right before spring because there were a lot of acorn tops already separated from the nut and laying on the ground. You will also need a few leaves with long stems. (get a few just in case the first one breaks) Oak leaves will work, but you will have to take some of the leaf part off to make your basket handle long enough. Maple leaves work really well. Almost any leaf will do the trick!

Step 1-  Take your acorn top and clean out any dirt that may be in it.

Step 2-   Pop of the stem of the top so that it will sit flat on a surface.

Step 3-  Cut off the long stems of your leaves and soak in water for 5 to 10 minutes.

Step 4-  Slowly work at bending the stem into a horseshoe shape. Bend it some then let soak and bend again. Until it's ready to be a handle for your basket. (5 to 10 min)

Step 5-  Dry off your bent stem and trim the length to fit your basket.

Step 6-  Dab a little bit of super glue on each side of  the inside of your basket.

Step 7-  Place the ends of the stem into the super glue and hold it there until it stays up on its own.

Step 8-  Reinforce the  stem by dabbing a small bit of crafting glue over the super glue.

Step 9- Let dry.

Viola! A miniature basket made out of an acorn top! :D
Told you it was easy..lol

Here's another miniature idea that is super easy to make and would be a great addition to your dollhouse kitchen. Hope you like it. :D
Serving Dish :
Since we're on the acorn theme, I thought I would add this
easy miniature how to also. All you'll need is a couple of acorn tops. Make sure one is smaller than the other.

Step 1Clean out any dirt that may be in or on the acorn tops. Pop off the stems of the acorn tops
Step 2-  Put a dab of crafting glue on the outside of one of the tops where the stem was. Place the other acorn top against it and squeeze. Making sure the acorn tops are attached where you want them. Let dry.

  After the acorn tops have dried you will be ready to paint!

I painted this serving dish white to give it that fancy "milk glass" look.

That's all I have for today Thanks for looking. Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Now go get your Krafty On! :D

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